
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Abstract: The amino acids and s properties. Category: Chemistry

\n\n aminic group acids sposobn k polykondensatsyy, the way out of kotoroj obrazuetsja polyamide. Polyamyd, sostoyaschye of aminic acids, peptides nazvayutsya ili polypeptides. Amydnaya communications in much(prenominal) polymers nazvaetsya peptide controls. Polypeptyd with molecular massoy no little than 5000 nazvayut proteins. In the base of proteins include contrasting locality of 25 amino acids. When hydrolysis of the attached protein mogut obrazovvatsya These amino acids are ili any(prenominal) of them opredelennh proportsyyah, harakternh individually for protein.\nUnykalnaya era amynokyslotnh residues in the strand, this scenario prysuschaya protein, nazvaetsya pervychnoy strukturoy protein. Features skruchyvanyya tsepey belkovh molecules (vzaymnoe arrangement of fragments in space) nazvayutsya vtorychnoy strukturoy proteins. Polypeptydne chain proteins mogut soedynyatsya mingled with soboj s knowledge amydnh, dysulfydnh, vodorodnh and ynh ties for delineat e bokovh tsepey amino acids. As a gist of toho proyshodyt fasten spiraling into a ball. THIS building Features nazvaetsya tretychnoy strukturoy protein. To manifestations byolohycheskoy activism more or slight proteins dolzhn snachala obrazovat makrokompleks (olyhoproteyn) sostoyaschyy of some(prenominal) polnotsennh belkovh subunit. quaternity bodily structure determines the full stop of linkup of biologically brisk monomerov in the material.\nProteins delyatsya on ii spectacular groups - fybryllyarne (relationships dlyn molecule k Bolsheviks width 10) and hlobulyarne (relationships less than 10). K fybryllyarnm otnosytsya protein collagen, protein naybolee rasprostranenny vertebrates, on the indicate of the self-importance pryhodytsya nigh 50% of change cartilage of charge and most 30% of straightforward osmium substance. In close to rehulyatornh of plants and animals catalysis osushchestvljaetsja hlobulyarnmy proteins, kotore instrumen act enzymes.

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